
Met with team before class to discuss the video shoot that will be held on Monday, March 7th.  A plan was developed and ideas were discussed about camera angles and photos.  The team also talked about various graphics and animations that could be used in the web-based unit.  (March 3, 2011)-Video Filming Plan-100% Complete

The team went to UTHSC to film the three different approaches to the central line procedure.  The SME was featured in the videos and photos.  The team worked with the SME’s wife and took various pictures of the equipment and environment.  (March 7, 2011)-Filming video-100% Complete

Met with team to review the videos.  Each member took a central line procedure and uploaded the videos.  The verbal information given by the SME via the video was transcribed.  Each member is responsible for writing a script based on the transcription and written documentation given to the team at the beginning of the project. (March 9, 2011)-Setting future goals-100% Complete


Remembering:  This week I…

-Met with team to discuss the filming the central line procedures

-Reviewed related videos for ideas
-Collected and test all video equipment
-Collaborated with video expert about camera angles and related ideas.
-Sent a reminder to team members and clients about video shoot
-Shot the video
-Took pictures of group and various action shoots
-Upload video
-Transcribed video
-Wrote script for femoral line approach
-Stayed in constant communication with team members about various tasks
-Sent a thank you email to team members and clients for the video shoot
-Wrote the team’s 15/5 and submitted to Dr. Grant
-Scheduled meeting with team to finalize determine the next steps


The most important task that was accomplished this week was getting the three different central line placement approaches filmed.  Getting everyone and everything coordinated was not an easy task but everything came together and the actual shoot was successful.


Filming the different approaches was vital to our assignment.  The clients wanted video to be incorporated into the unit but did not have the means to shoot the video themselves.  Since all of the team members come with some video skills, we included it as part of our responsibilities.  The video section of the unit can be incorporated in many other assignments not only in my schoolwork but in my professional career as well.  Expanding my video knowledge to a different level will develop my skill set and hopefully become more marketable.


The strategies, skills and procedures used were effective for this week.  Developing a team plan and executing it worked for us.  With three different ideas coming from each team member, it worked out.  Everyone brings good ideas and we can talk things over until we come to an agreement. 


Because we were under more stress than usual with the video shoot, our ability to work well as a team was beneficial.  We are all learning that we each have different ideas and the most important thing is to listen and work together to come to a solution that we all like. 


The next goal is to edit the videos and work together so that all three videos are consistent and of high quality.  Additionally, we will continue to work on the web-based unit and help each other out as we finish the instruction. 

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