
Meet with teammates and discussed revisions tothe EdTech Solutions site as well as the Project Plan and Analysis Report(January 27, 2011)-50% Complete

Conducted a team meeting where we brainstormedand discussed possible questions for our clients (January 28, 2011)-100%Complete

Held a team meeting to finalize and organizeclient questions and discuss the Analysis Report and possible questions for theNeeds Analysis (January 31, 2011)-80% Complete

Sent a follow up email to Dr. Brescia about ourinitial meeting (February 1, 2011)-100% Complete

Met with our client and SME, discussed theproject, made plan for the Needs Analysis, and toured the Simulation Center(February 2, 2011)-80% Complete

Held a team meeting and reviewed Project Charterfeedback and discussed revisions (February 2, 2011)-90% Complete

Completed this week’s EdTech Solutions 15/5(February 2, 2011)-100% Complete


Remembering:  This week I…

-Reviewed the EdTech Solutions site and maderevision suggestions.

-Contributed to the “Client Questions” Google Doc

-Worked as a team to revise and organize theclient questions

-Communicated with Dr. Brescia about initial teammeeting

-Met with the client and SME and discussed theproject

-Toured the Simulation Center at UTHSC

-Met with team to discuss the upcomingassignments and determine responsibilities

-Stayed in constant communication with teammembers about various tasks

-Wrote the team’s 15/5

-Reviewed and edited Project Analysis

-Started working on the Needs Analysis

-Scheduled meeting with team to finalize theNeeds Analysis

-Revised the Project Charter


The most important task that was accomplishedthis week was meeting with our client and SME.  In order for everything to work and proceed, the meeting wascritical.  I was able to get adeeper understanding about the content, expectations, timelines, and goals forthe project.


What I learned from meeting is how it would be asan Instructional Designer or Developer meeting with the client for the firsttime.  When I was in there Ithought I could really be doing this for a living.  It was the hand-on experience I needed to bridge the gapbetween my coursework and real world experience. 


I still stand behind last week’s analysis insaying that communication is vital to this project and everyone involved.  Our team is working very well togetherand we all believe that having too many meetings is better than not havingenough.  We all want to produce aquality instructional module to the client but we want to be very proud of ourwork as individuals and as a team. Keeping the communication going between the team members is necessaryfor a successful end product.


I think I did well in the client meeting.  I was able to ask the questions Ineeded to get answered and help narrow the scope down to a manageablechunk.  I was able to communicatemy learning to my team members by discussing what we all had learned from theclient meeting and how to proceed.


My next plan is tocontribute to the Project Plan and send the Needs Assessment to theclient.  In order to improve ourlearning environment we need to remain in communication, read and reflect onour readings, be actively engaged, and open to learn from our own experiencesas well as others.

7/11/2012 05:39:19 am

Thanks for details


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